
A person who figured out how to do Social Media

About Me

Hello! My name is Austin, more commonly known online as Summermelon. I became known as Summermelon on September 30, 2020, previously being known as other names such as Pikachu1ooo and WatermelongamingA1. After becoming Summermelon I wanted a fresh start online and moved over from my old channel to the one I have today and occasionally stream on my twitch account which also has been rebranded.
In real life, I didn't have too many friends at school and wanted some way to connect with people. Seeing as I'm an Introverted Extrovert in person talking to new people is hard for me. That's why I used one of my passions of storytelling and opened up my first roleplay discord server: Blossom High.
Blossom High became like a passion project to me slowly forming a small community and I made many new friends that I talk with still to this day because of it. Now I no longer own the main discord server for reasons I don't really want to go into but seeing as it's still my project I began writing the "canon" universe explaining everything in book form over on Wattpad. (Check Socials)MUSICI've been playing piano since I was 5 years old and that was it. I had only thought of myself as a musician and didn't really fully devote myself to piano or music to that matter. That was until I began learning the Sword Art Online opening (Crossing Field) on piano and after completing this difficult piece I began to realize that music wasn't just some hard thing that people did because they could. It's fun! I began practicing more and more! Eventually, I picked up the guitar during the pandemic and have been practicing that as well! Taking inspiration mainly from the musician Wilbur Soot I began writing my own songs and that's where I am now.THE END?That's just a little about me and this part will be updated, but for now, this is about all I shall share here!